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24 octubre 2019 4 24 /10 /octubre /2019 16:10




Mano entre ruinas


                                               Y en esta orfandad sin reparo alguno

                                               hasta el aire que respiro se lo peleo al viento.

                                                               Migdalia Mansilla

Soy mano entre ruinas

que abierta al futuro

no se deja abatir

/y pelea.

Jirón de felicidad

brilla mi alma en la oscura luz

del infortunio.

Nada más mío que el libre albedrío (freedom of will/free will)

de querer vivir,

el deseo insolente

de torcer la ruta

que escrita en oráculos

me hostiga a lo lejos  (plagues me)

Nada más mío que mi mismidad

que hoy vive/

/ hoy quiere  y decide ser

/y seguir.

Liliana Varela


Hand amongst the ruins                  (Translation : Irene Marks)

                                                               And in this orphanhood without any shelter

                                                               I must even fight the wind for the air I breathe

                                                                              Migdalia Mansilla

I’m the hand amongst ruins

that open to the future

does not concede defeat

/ and fights.


Shred of happiness                       

my soul shines in the dark light               

of misfortune.                                                

Nothing is more mine than the free will              

of wanting to live,                                         

 the insolent desire                                      

of twisting the route                    

which written in the oracles                     

plagues me from afar                                  

Nothing more mine than my selfhood                                

that is alive today/                                        

/today wants and decides to be                             

/and continue.


Liliana Varela

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